Sunday, 6 September 2020

I've just finished doing a tax return for the first time ever and I feel like a fully-fledged adult. It's the most grown-up thing I've done in like... a while, besides walking into the jewellers and getting a necklace fixed like I was about to drop £10,000 on an engagement ring, for myself.

Anyway, another seven days down. Let's get into ittttt.

1. The bunting is finally finished wooooooo! I really like it, it's very delicate and the tape I've used to hold the letters down with isn't very sticky but yeah, it looks good. My 16-year-old Tumblr self would be proud. 
2. I was up so early in the week one morning that I had enough time to make granola before work...
3. ...and the next day I made banana bread with chocolate chips. 
4. Discovered this is what I look like after a work zoom call. I took a screenshot on Photobooth because I was too far from a mirror and couldn't be bothered to move and I just wanted to check if I looked alright. Did you know that zoom has a setting that's supposed to make you look better??

Other bits:
1. I don't have any pictures but I've finally made it back to the gym now they've reopened. (I honestly ache in places that I'd totally forgotten even exist, my ribs hurt, and my arms hurt, my knees hurt). 
2. Jules and I bought a new coffee table from IKEA and it comes in two weeks - how exciting, another adult thing to add to the list. 
3. I can't sleep at the moment, honestly, I feel awful. 

Quote of the week: “Some days I am more wolf than woman, and I am still learning how to stop apologizing for my wild.” 
- Nikita Gill 

UNTIL the next one, 

Lauren xo

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