Glossier Hand Cream £16
In the COVID-19 era of ritualistically applying hand cream, it feels apt that millennial superstar brand Glossier have now launched their own as an answer to the question I never knew I was asking. Throwing it all the way back to six weeks ago (#memories) when getting moisturisers, hand sanitiser and general hygiene products briefly became a myth, the geniuses behind Boy Brow and Balm Dotcom were cooking up the next highly sought after pink item for your beauty cabinet. A sucker for literally all their products (bar the ones that give me terrible spots on my forehead and make my skin burn) I’m excited to add Glossier’s new hand cream to my roster.
(Just a brief pause. Can anyone really tell the difference between faux leather jackets and real leather jackets? Besides the price. I’ve canvassed everyone I know about this and have come to no conclusion. I annoy myself).
Receiving any item in the post from Glossier is an uplifting experience. From the branded tape used to seal the box to the free sticker inside that I will later apply to my laptop to let people know that I know that they know that I know about Glossier. I also love the ziplock bags and have one in every size.
The Hand Cream packaging:
I feel that Glossier always do really well on the individual wrapping of their products, so much so that I tend to keep the empty boxes (admitting that now feels stupid, I’m sorry). Luckily, the hand cream is no exception and comes in a papery sealed bag reminiscent of a prescription from a pharmacy (in a good way??). The bottle itself is a silhouette I’ve never really seen before - a bit like suncream maybe. Jules agrees. It comfortably sits in the palm of my hand and I like that it’s embossed with the brand’s logo all the way around.
Trialling the hand cream right now, Jules and I went with a pea-sized amount each and discovered that a little goes a long way. You squeeze the bottle and the product comes out quite slowly and in ribbons due to the shape of the lid. It’s slightly greasy to begin with and you can still feel it on your hands 10 minutes later which is the only partial letdown. The mild scent of Glossier’s You perfume is a nice addition and smells a bit different to the body fragrance (due to the "emphasis on fresh, clean notes").
I’ve noticed people say in reviews online that they would like this hand cream to be reusable and I definitely agree with that. Maybe some kind of refill you could buy would be great. Also, after wearing the hand cream for about 20 minutes I have to say that my hands are super soft which, with flakey and peeling knuckles due to washing them 100 times a day, is a nice relief.
Would I recommend this product? Yeah, I mean, why not? It’s a fun thing to own and it’s always nice to have products from brands you really like. TREAT URSELF. I'll update my blog if I notice any sort of rash/allergic reaction.
Coming back several hours later to add that my hands are still soft!1!!!!!11 Magical.
Other bits:
I'm thinking about cutting my own hair, specifically a fringe. It's going to be at least two months until I see a hairdresser and if I do it now, it'll have grown by then and they can fix it if I do a botch job.
I might make tiramisu this week, stay tuned.
Okay that's it I'm done.
Lauren x
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