For the past few days, I've been cramming my life with episodes of Netflix's Korean drama: Crash Landing on You. Following the story of two lovers (Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin) who meet in impossible circumstances (like, genuinely impossible), the show also details their surrounding lives, families, jobs, friends and the difficulties they encounter on the journey of their relationship. (I’m a hopeless romantic, just to make you aware now, so programmes like this are catnip for me).
I started out watching this series on my own before subjecting my flatmate to the 90 minute long (each episode!), 16 video marathon of this emotional rollercoaster. Enthusiastically pacing the living room, I urged Jules to join me. We watched the finale the other night (which lasts almost two hours) and I felt so attached to the characters that, now I don’t have the show to watch, I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself. When I woke up this morning I read a review of Crash Landing on You and felt a strange pang in my stomach as they discussed the last episode, reliving the persistent attempts of the star crossed lover's desire to be together regardless of their situation.
Look, I didn’t cry, but I nearly did. I actually go through phases of not being able to cry (it's a long story). The finale did make me feel sick though, is that normal?
Keeping things short, and without spoilers, I recommend this show wholeheartedly. Though not in love myself, I do marginally believe in fate and Crash Landing on You gave me moderate (yet fake, it’s a TV show, c'mon) hope for both which is an altogether nice feeling to get from a show in these utterly bizarre times.
I can’t listen to the soundtrack without feeling sad, goddammit.
Excellent quarantine watching, 10/10.
It has an average audience rating of five stars on Google!!!
Brb gonna erase all my memories so I can watch this show from the start again.
Other bits:
I made chicken pie the other night and Jules said she's going to hire me to cook for her
I'm going to start running next week, look out world.
Stay safe,
Lauren x
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