Last night I walked out on season seven episode one of The Walking Dead after spending the first 15 minutes with my head in my hood and my fingers in my ears. ‘This is barbaric’ I said to Jules as I fled to my room. I then spent several plays of Paramore’s 'I Caught Myself’ lying down before messaging my flatmate to ask if it was okay for me to come back yet. ‘I want to see the rest of it, just not this bit’ I lied. I returned and caught the last five minutes.
This should really come as no surprise to me as I’d already searched Google to see when/if some of my favourite characters were going to be killed off. I know how annoying that is but I do it anyway, like skipping through an episode to see if the lead protagonist survives a car crash, or reading an entire film review online without even seeing the movie. I like to know what’s going on. Plus if you think about it, it's really a 50% surprise because I don’t actually know how they’re going to be killed off I just know that they are. There’s a difference.
I went out for a walk today in the London drizzle and noticed that everyone has started to abide by lockdown rules now the weather has shifted. The joggers are still as persistent as ever, but thanks to the puddles you can hear their feet now and not just their distant heavy dry heaves as they get closer (please don’t breathe in my face when you run past, please don’t breathe in my face when you run past). There wasn’t much to contemplate on my walk, nor was there really anything to see. I don’t think I could live on a narrowboat though, which is something I did consider as I strolled along the canal. I spotted one with a 'for sale’ in the window and I just thought “no... not really”. I’m looking at narrowboat interiors right now and it just doesn't entice me at all, but each to their own! I’ll cross that one off the list.
Other bits:
I just got a massive bit of brownie in my Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. This is my third pint of lockdown, just FYI.
I finished Itaewon Class and it was so good! (I even cried and we all know I struggle to cry these days).
I took a photo of a plane in the sky earlier because its been a while since I've seen one.
I don't have anything else to say so I'm just going to stop here,
Lauren x
*The image of this blog post is from When Harry Met Sally which is arguably one of my favourite films.
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