At the beginning of all this, I bought an odd flavour of toothpaste when I thought we’d never be able to buy toothpaste again. One of my many ‘essential’ panic buys that resulted in me also owning a reserve shampoo (but not conditioner), a lot of electric toothbrush heads and a big bottle aftersun (what? I might get burnt?), these items live on the top shelf of my wardrobe and every time I get dressed I am reminded of my own stupidity. Of course, now you can buy all the things you need from the supermarket with ease, (excluding flour while everyone goes through their home baking phase of lockdown).
Settling into the 2020 vision for living (isolation is the new trend), I’m trying to determine what essential has really evolved to mean. Obviously, I know it’s food, water, toiletries, having access to the things that make day to day living comfortable and bearable. But I’ve come to realise that essential also translates to a magnitude of other things that either a) can’t be bought (like my love) or b) arrive when I’ve forgotten I ordered them so they’re like a mini surprise when I go to check the post.
All jokes aside, I have discovered that lockdown has forced me into an intense state of self-reflection that has seen my mental health improve drastically. I've had to face my problems head-on (because my Sims never really have any issues to resolve so I’m fixing my own). I'm buying golden syrup so I can draw a smiley face on my morning Ready Brek, adding whipped cream to my hot chocolate, sharing a horrible bottle of wine with my flatmate during a Facetime pub quiz (we won) and enjoying slightly melted Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream on the regular (averaging two pints a week)! In my eyes, these non-essential essential items are like a metaphorical pat on the back that we all deserve.
Other bits:
I bought some white chocolate fingers from the shop the other day and I haven’t decided if I like them or not.
I’ve almost finished another K-Drama and I’m about to be inconsolable all over again.
What do we think about leather jackets?
I keep eating vegetable soup and I hate it.
Okay, I'm going to go outside now. *Grabs a handful of chocolate fingers and leaves*
Lauren xo
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