Playsuit // £9.99
Swimsuit // £19.99
Top // £6.99
I've just bought some summer clothes. It took me nearly two hours to make the decision between a handful of items that were essentially the same but in the end, I checked out with a playsuit, swimming costume and a new stripey t-shirt. I honestly can't remember the last time I wore a swimming costume and it was a bit of an impulsive buy. I've really had enough of wearing bikinis so this felt like a good alternative. I'll just wait in anticipation for the parcel to come before I decide if I've made a huge mistake.
Dresses and skirts have never really been my thing either - unless I'm going to something or somewhere I usually wouldn't. I did buy a new bodycon-esk dress from Topshop not too long ago, but, that's beside the point. What if I suddenly want to do a handstand or cartwheel? I can't if i'm wearing a dress or a skirt. Black Jersey Playsuit. Click. Add to bag. Done. The stripey top came up as a 'selected favourites' option alongside the playsuit. I wasn't sold initially but after realising it would go with practically everything I own I ordered it too.
All in all, I consider that a successful shopping experience. I got slightly sidetracked looking at throw pillows and coats but managed to checkout with a few items that I think will be nice additions to my virtually nonexistent summer wardrobe.
Other good summer items:
Gold jewellery SeolGold
Jason Markk shoe cleaning kit Amazon // £17
Stussy socks GoodHood // £19
Champion lilac pullover Urban Outfitters // £65
Champion shorts Topshop // £35 (I came so close to buying these legit)
Other stuff:
> This Lazy Oaf Cafe thing at Sans Pere that never happened but should've because it looked like it would be amazing
> Wet's new album Still Run is SO GOOD (Love Is Not Enough is literally so good, and so is Out of Tune and Softens - I mean the whole album is great)
> I'm going through a patch where I haven't seen any new trainers that I like? Maybe it's because it's summer but all I want to do is buy new white AF1s??
> @veryadvanced for outfit inspiration at the moment
> The Debrief Podcast (now called Don't Panic) I love podcasts and this one is so so good. I'm listening to How To Do Things That Scare You right at this very moment
Song of the day: Out of Tune - Wet
Lauren x
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