Champion Reverse Weave Crew Neck Sweatshirt // Goodhood // £80
The countdown to my birthday has begun, unofficially. This sweatshirt from Champion has made its way onto my wishlist as I continue to collect basic wardrobe items in black, grey and white. I’ve considered making a Youtube video about all the clothes I’ve been buying recently; I feel that now after 22 years I’ve finally found a style that I’m totally comfortable with! We’ll see.
Champion hoodie review here from last October
I’m also obsessed with this cover of Boys by Charli XCX that Wolf Alice have just released. I was trying to save it for my main weekly blog post but I have to share it now.
Song of the week: Boys (Charli XCX cover) - Wolf Alice link
images all from Goodhood
images all from Goodhood
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