Want of the Week: Learning How to Code

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

This want of the week is slight a change from my usual fashion pieces. Having bought templates for my blog the last few times I've updated the theme, I'm now hoping to create my own website for all my university work by learning how to code. 

Amazon has a wealth of books about HTML and CSS but I’ve found a few dotted in other places too. For example, WHSmith (a shop here in the UK that sells stationery and books) has a magazine with a step by step guide to coding and includes helpful diagrams. If I remember it was £11? Which I thought was pretty good. I also found this Instagram @hisuperhi selling a digital and print version of their coding book. Very nice graphics (photo above). 

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett // Amazon // £16
Learn to Code Now // Superhi // $59 (so, roughly £41 and free worldwide shipping)

I’ve been reading a book that I got for Christmas on my morning commute which helps me fill the time I usually spend listening to the same song over and over for 45 minutes. If I could now learn a new skill in that time instead I’d be very grateful!

Song of the day: Punching in a Dream - The Naked and Famous



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