Reversed Warm Up Hoody // Cole Buxton // £110.00
Okay so currently at my friend Mae's watching Girlboss on Netflix - this has really bad reviews for some reason? I actually think it's great and i've read the book too. The episodes are really short so it's such an easy watch, plus I really like her character and everything... maybe i'm missing something as some of the reviews are quite scathing...
Anyway, I should be doing my Sunday Summary right now but as this week has literally escaped me i'm going to post about that tomorrow. I'm currently after some new clothes now my degree is over but i'm trying to get pieces (not like i'm going to buy anything anytime soon after the amount of money I've been haemorrhaging for degree show) that are more unique / from low key brands on Instagram.
I've followed Cole Buxton on Instagram for quite a while and have always admired the quality of his clothes. Since investing in tracksuit bottoms, and kinda having this athleisure wear / workout clothing / am i going to the gym outfit thing going on i've found myself wanting to invest in more items that reflect this side of me. If you know me, I love basic items that have a high finish and aren't heavily branded.
Song of the day: Sweet Dreams - Beyonce
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