1. Felt samples for my work
2. Binding my own books for daysss
3. Product Design 3rd Years at uni put on a mini show in the sculpture court
4. Probably one of the last few lift selfies 💔
5. Still obsessed with this Acne sweatshirt
6. Late night walks on the Royal Mile
I'm hoping that once i've finished my work all the late night posts will cease and i'll be able to upload at a regular time. I mean, I say that now but it's probably very unlikely. I also thought I didn't have any photos from this week because I really haven't been up to much, but I do have a small amount. I've been training a lot too. I hit my personal best at the gym for squats the other day and lifted 60kg for 5 reps. It's mad because last summer when I started working out I remember not even being able to squat 20kg. I feel so much stronger and confident due to the gym - I highly recommend going! As the studio is currently being transformed into our degree show space I haven't ventured into uni as much. I've literally being getting up, working, maybe gymming, maybe opening my curtains, maybe going outside. The excitement of being a 4th year!
Less than two weeks to go!
Song of the day: Neighbors - J. Cole
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