Images from her Instagram @furrylittlepeach
Tumblr // Youtube
I actually don't think I've ever written a personal statement where I haven't included Sha'an d'Anthes. That goes for foundation application, uni application and now i'm writing my MA personal statement and I am still putting her down as one of my main inspirations for how I draw. Back when everyone was using Tumblr (this was like when I was 16 lol) I came across Furry Little Peach and i've followed her ever since. You know, like when Tumblr was a hub for emerging artists etc I found soooo many artists and bloggers then that I still follow now. She has a really unique style that I've always admired and allowed to influence how I work too.
Through having to draw everyday for my degree, my own personal style has developed so much and I'm so proud of what my work has become. I knowwwww I never share my own work, ever, legit never ever but my style has come on so much due to her influence and way of working. If any of you guys are up and coming illustration / design / art students and need someone to follow to legit excite you about work, then this is the person!
Song of the day: Worst Girl - Amy Shark, Allday
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