Okay so, Friday night I had the absolute pleasure of going to see my flatmate Max's fashion show at the National Museum of Scotland. He's been working so hard this past year to produce his collection with the melting point of gold as his theme. Luckily he got Milly and I some tickets as they sold out super fast! The show is usually at uni (to my knowledge) but it was so amazing to have it somewhere as exciting as this. It was such a perfect ending to his degree and our 4 years university journey together. When the show started I felt like I was in the ending of Dior and I - possibly hands down my favourite movie / fashion documentary.
I'm so unbelievably proud of Max and all his achievements. When he came out at the end with his models, Milly and I were nearly in tears. It's always so moving to see a friend do so well and I wish only the absolute best for him.
Congratulations Max!
(Max had to produce 6 outfits for the show, I only snapped 4 because I was half clapping and half trying to hold my phone. He's going down to London for graduate fashion week so if any of guys are there, take a photo! His work is incredible)

1. lol still working in the library
2. Basically have moved in with Mae
3. My ultra talented flatmate's final collection (post to follow!!)
4. Sat in the sun for an entire day
5. My friends Chris and Ollie (before I pinched their chips)
6. Diet consists solely of quinoa, peas and feta
After a few seriously hot days in Edinburgh, it has already cooled off. My friend Mae and I decided to go see King Arthur at the cinema today and it was sooo good. Charlie Hunnam is beautifullll, plz go see it if you get the chance.
Song of the day: Lake Michigan - Rogue Wave

Images from her Instagram @furrylittlepeach
Tumblr // Youtube
I actually don't think I've ever written a personal statement where I haven't included Sha'an d'Anthes. That goes for foundation application, uni application and now i'm writing my MA personal statement and I am still putting her down as one of my main inspirations for how I draw. Back when everyone was using Tumblr (this was like when I was 16 lol) I came across Furry Little Peach and i've followed her ever since. You know, like when Tumblr was a hub for emerging artists etc I found soooo many artists and bloggers then that I still follow now. She has a really unique style that I've always admired and allowed to influence how I work too.
Through having to draw everyday for my degree, my own personal style has developed so much and I'm so proud of what my work has become. I knowwwww I never share my own work, ever, legit never ever but my style has come on so much due to her influence and way of working. If any of you guys are up and coming illustration / design / art students and need someone to follow to legit excite you about work, then this is the person!
Song of the day: Worst Girl - Amy Shark, Allday
As of late, i've become a bit of a hoarder of magazines. I recently picked up a publication that Size have released in store - and it's free! So many sick publications out there for free I can't believe it. Goodhood have a free newspaper in store and included in every order which I now have two of. I'm also desperate to get my hands on the new Places+Faces magazine as well as Issue 2 of Sporty & Rich. Anyway, as I live on Instagram I saw that Vicky Grout had shared a photo of Push Magazine this morning. I've followed her for ages and completely love that she still works on film. The cover image is hers and if you are one of the first 1000 to sign up, you can get a copy of the magazine for free. I have obviously already done this because it looks sick and I urge you to do the same!
Sorry for the absence, finishing uni put me such a weird limbo state. You go from working the hardest you ever have in your life for something, to it ending and having no idea what to do next. I'm actually currently in the library chipping away at my personal statement for some MA applications. I can't seem to stop working and settle.
Sweatsuit Two Piece // Maria Gulina // £100
Majorly, MAJORLY lusting after this sweatsuit two piece from Maria Gulina. As you guys know, i'm super into comfort clothing at the moment and this ticks all those boxes. Plus it's black and my current efforts of branching into colourful clothing are really not going well. Also that last image is co-ordinated with Five Guys... ummm yes, my favourite place on earth??
Song of the day: Electric - Alina (feat. Khalid)

1. Last lift selfie with Milly and her work for degree show
2. My mini portfolio
3. Treated myself to a rainbow chip cake mix (bit of a cop out as I love baking stuff from scratch!)
4. Bon Iver geting me thruuuu
5. My friend's kitten! The cutest thing
6 I think these hoop earrings are destroying my ears
Delayed Sunday Summary as I've had the craziest of weeks! Catching up on Made in Chelsea with my friend Mae now and a tub of Ben and Jerry's. Living that no-uni-work-ever-again-what-am-i-doing life.

Reversed Warm Up Hoody // Cole Buxton // £110.00
Okay so currently at my friend Mae's watching Girlboss on Netflix - this has really bad reviews for some reason? I actually think it's great and i've read the book too. The episodes are really short so it's such an easy watch, plus I really like her character and everything... maybe i'm missing something as some of the reviews are quite scathing...
Anyway, I should be doing my Sunday Summary right now but as this week has literally escaped me i'm going to post about that tomorrow. I'm currently after some new clothes now my degree is over but i'm trying to get pieces (not like i'm going to buy anything anytime soon after the amount of money I've been haemorrhaging for degree show) that are more unique / from low key brands on Instagram.
I've followed Cole Buxton on Instagram for quite a while and have always admired the quality of his clothes. Since investing in tracksuit bottoms, and kinda having this athleisure wear / workout clothing / am i going to the gym outfit thing going on i've found myself wanting to invest in more items that reflect this side of me. If you know me, I love basic items that have a high finish and aren't heavily branded.
Song of the day: Sweet Dreams - Beyonce

After a chaotic, emotional and tiring week, I have completed my degree! Myself and 2 of my flatmates had a deadline yesterday at 4pm and have been having very little sleep as a result. Any exams I took at GCSE or A-Level, even the hand in after my foundation course could not have prepared for the stress and fatigue of finishing my degree. My diet, my general appearance, the ability to process anything in my mind besides my work completely dissolved. I have being living and breathing graphic design. It is a bizarre feeling to have stopped - I feel a bit aimless and I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself. I'm going to go stay at my friend Mae's tonight and we are going out - you know me, I love to drink (sarcasm). I can't believe it's over. At least I can focus on my blog for the next coming weeks whilst I try and decide what i'm going to do for the rest of my life.
Thank you for the ongoing support despite my lack of presence.
"Whatever you choose, however many roads you travel, I hope that you choose not to be a lady. I hope you will find some way to break the rules and make a little trouble out there. And I also hope that you will choose to make some of that trouble on behalf of women" - Nora Ephron to Wellesley in 1996
Song of the day: New Year's Eve - MØ
Thank you for the ongoing support despite my lack of presence.
"Whatever you choose, however many roads you travel, I hope that you choose not to be a lady. I hope you will find some way to break the rules and make a little trouble out there. And I also hope that you will choose to make some of that trouble on behalf of women" - Nora Ephron to Wellesley in 1996
Song of the day: New Year's Eve - MØ
1. Lift selfie + shelf (disaster later followed)
2. Screenprinting for my final project oooooh
3. Photos for my flatmates fashion show
4. Hiding behind someone's work in the studio
5. Perfect for getting through work
6. B&Q trip following shelf disaster
I'm finally in bed after working all day. I have somehow unfortunately landed myself with a cold at this really bad time. It has come on in the space of a day and I didn't even have a voice this morning. Mad inconvenient. No time to be sick i've got 5 days left!
Sliders // Hunter // £55
I'm at university literally waiting for paint to dry so I thought i'd use this opportunity to write about my want of the week. I've just been scrolling through Instagram and ONYGO (link) have done a feature on these new women's Hunter slides. I know Adidas sliders are a big thing / were a big thing but I never got a pair (hint of regret). I own some Hunter wellies and they are literally a staple to my winter wardrobe. I rarely wear them being in the city in Edinburgh but when i'm home you never know when you're actually going to need a pair, so obviously good to have them to hand. Ok so, these Hunter sliders come in a baby pink and I guess a kind of washy green if that makes sense, the underside of a leaf colour. I love how the branding across the foot is all the same colour - I think that's a really nice touch. Let me know what you think of these guys, the pink pair would definitely be cute for summer or even just for around the house!
Song of the day: Let Go - Dan Black
Sooooooooooo 0 posts this week as I actually have no time to even think about anything apart from university. I went to the gym this evening for the first time in ages and it was actually so nice. Always good to go back when I haven't been for a while, but i'm a teeny bit less strong when I haven't been in a few days. Anyway, I'm back now, I've showered (towel is still wrapped around my head) and I'm going to share my photos from when I went to Greenwich / Canary Wharf with my older brother. This was like, 2 weeks ago but the pictures are really nice! He moved to London maybe a year ago? It could equally be longer and could equally be not as long but he now lives in London.
The Cut Bar & Restaurant in Waterloo (I had no fruit on my pancakes lol)
National Maritime Museum - plz go if you get the chance, it's great + free!
Old Royal Navy College
Photo by my brother (yes i'm wearing blue + I need a hair cut)
Greenwich clock with standard measurements
View from the Royal Greenwich Observatory (you can literally see all of London from up here)
Canary Wharf
Shake Shack! (not as good as Five Guys tho..unpopular opinion?)
(+ however their rootbeer floats are everything)
Back to work for meeeee
Back to work for meeeee

1. Felt samples for my work
2. Binding my own books for daysss
3. Product Design 3rd Years at uni put on a mini show in the sculpture court
4. Probably one of the last few lift selfies 💔
5. Still obsessed with this Acne sweatshirt
6. Late night walks on the Royal Mile
I'm hoping that once i've finished my work all the late night posts will cease and i'll be able to upload at a regular time. I mean, I say that now but it's probably very unlikely. I also thought I didn't have any photos from this week because I really haven't been up to much, but I do have a small amount. I've been training a lot too. I hit my personal best at the gym for squats the other day and lifted 60kg for 5 reps. It's mad because last summer when I started working out I remember not even being able to squat 20kg. I feel so much stronger and confident due to the gym - I highly recommend going! As the studio is currently being transformed into our degree show space I haven't ventured into uni as much. I've literally being getting up, working, maybe gymming, maybe opening my curtains, maybe going outside. The excitement of being a 4th year!
Less than two weeks to go!
Song of the day: Neighbors - J. Cole
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