- Lift selfie + library books
- Trying to stay in bed
- The birthday cake my parents sent me at uni
- I have been gymming non stop at the moment
- French toast with bacon for breakfast in Oxford with my parents
- Possibly the best lemon meringue pie i've ever had
I've just found a hole in my beloved American Apparel leggings. Just when they've closed down/ gone bust/ been bought over/ no longer exist. Crisis. I wear these religiously. They are my go to fashion piece, like, genuine outfit staple - so if anyone knows where I can get a superrrr thick pair of leggings, please tell me! Anyway, i'm currently in London after travelling down from Edinburgh for the weekend. I've been home, seen my older brother and now I'm back in London staying with Emily for the night. Yesterday was my birthday and I had such a lovely day with my parents in town, and I have eaten so much food since coming home. I'm down south for a few more days so I have the opportunity to go to some galleries and start my independent project properly!
I also handed my dissertation in today! Can't believe it.
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