Currently sat on the floor next to my printer reading through my dissertation for the millionth time. I'm turning 22 in a few days and have decided to go home. 22. What an odd age to be turning. I don't know... 17 you can drive, 18 you can drink, 21 is like being fully into your twenties but still feeling like a teenager, they're all exciting ages - obviously life doesn't just revolve around alcohol, but you know what I mean. They're milestone ages. I'm not saying that 22 isn't exciting, it is, i'm excited to be 22. I'm just not excited to get older. I don't want my family to get older. I think if I could pause time and have us all stay the same age and be in the same place, i'd do that.
My parents sent me a cake this morning which was really cute. It's from Mimi's bakehouse and was where I was going to get a cake from if I hadn't decided to go home. There's something about missing birthdays that I hate. I always feel like having a birthday at university gets in the way of everyone else's work. People have stuff they need to do. So back down south I go! My dissertation deadline is Monday and fingers crossed I can clear my head over the weekend to finish anything off that needs doing. I think i'm going to go grab a fork and sit here to eat the cake alone, it smells amazing!
A moment for reflection. I registered for my graduation the other day. Weird how fast time goes. I found a shirt in my wardrobe the other day that I bought in London when I had my Central Saint Martins interview. That feels like 5 minutes ago even though it was 3 years ago.
Okay gonna eat this cake.
Song of the day: Liability - Lorde
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