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A slightly different want of the week now that I’m back at university and my head is more geared for new projects. Before the Christmas break I had been looking at concrete and Brutalist projects on Behance for inspiration. I found this more of an advanced starting point than Pinterest and I got really into looking for exciting work. Whilst searching through, I found this book by Zupagrafika, a creative studio based in Poland. I think I may have mentioned in previous posts that I wanted to look at Post War architecture for my final major project, and this book is the perfect starting point. In all honesty, my knowledge of Brutalism is not great. I’ve questioned my flatmate who studies architecture about it, but i’m excited to get to grips with it on my own. I found this book on Amazon too and I think i’m going to order it! My want of the week is actually something I can buy!
In other news, I apologise for my rushed post on Sunday but I was so exhausted. I also felt horrific which has now developed into a full blown cold. I’ve taken the day off uni because I feel awful, super congested and light heated. It’s really strange. Anyway, hopefully from a day of rest I will feel better tomorrow as I hate being ill and missing out on things. It’s like taking a sick day when you're 7, and everything that could’ve ever happened in that academic year, happened on the day you were ill so you miss everything.
Song of the day: Speeding Cars - Imogen Heap
(I used to listen to this when I was finishing sixth form too)
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