I’m just back from university following a meeting with my tutor about this semesters work and a quick visit to the library. I’m legit currently mad at myself okay because, I’ve been walking around feeling untouchable and like I never get sick you know. Never take sick days off uni, i’m always on campus. So here am I sat at home with the most congested nose, i’m breathing through my mouth but it’s so heavy as I try and get oxygen into my body that I sound 10x louder than normal. To top that all off i’m 99% sure i’ve got a some kind of bug too.
My dissertation deadline is in a week but i’m not doing too badly with it, just wish I didn't feel so rubbish. Plus my flatmate has 4 of his friends staying for a few days and i’m like gross and sick and feel bad that they have to witness that. I had a really good gym session last night and was there for 2 hours. My lats are on fire. I was going to go tonight but I might give my body some rest and try and hit the word count on this thangggg. I’ve also just realised Christmas is next weekend ha and I still need to order presents. Whoops. I feel thrown because it’s on a Saturday this year. That feels strange to me.
ANWAY, classic rambler. I wanted to discuss Lazy Oaf. I found this fashion brand, I don't know maybe when I was like 16? I want to say 16. You know when they did shirts where one sleeve was red and one sleeve was yellow and then a panel on the shirt was blue and one was green. They’ve always been on my radar and I’ve always admired their style. Recently I followed a girl on Instagram who has just become a graphic designer for Lazy Oaf, which I think has sparked my interest in their brand again. I wanted to make a little Lazy Oaf gift guide in homage to them and hopefully inspire you guys to shop with them this Christmas.
(New Graphic Designer at Lazy Oaf)
Song of the day: I’m trying to find those OG lit Christmas songs like Fairytale of New York. The proper proper Christmas tunes in my eyes are 80s hits.
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