I feel like i’m still running around trying to pack stuff to take home over Christmas. I’m 100000% sure i’m going to forget something, but fingers crossed I don’t. Today my flatmate Max and I went to Princes Street to get a few more Christmas presents. I'd like to think we were beating the rush by being super organised, however it was madness. So so busy. I think i’ve done well on the gift front this year and i’m pleased I’ve got everything in time. We had Christmas dinner in the flat yesterday and it was so good. The best dinner ever, I feel like I had been waiting months for a big meal and now I can go into hibernation like a bear. It’s also been so lovely in the flat the past week and it feels really weird to be leaving. Usually I rush home and in all honesty, I am the first to leave as always, but I feel so privileged to live with the people I do. They are such an intelligent, creative and all around great bunch of people, that it’ll be tricky to find replacements when I graduate. I guess when you’ve lived with people for 3 years you get a bit attached!
Okay my eyes are seriously drooping, need to sleep. Hopefully I can take some nice pictures when i’m in York and make a post from that, but it’s only a quick visit so we’ll see!
Quote of the day: “If you lose someone, but find yourself, you won” - unknown
Song of the day: Inconsiderate - Reo Cragun
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