Yesterday we travelled through to Glasgow to meet our design agency mentors, Warriors Studio. They are ex students of ECA, who graduated three years ago and set up Graphic Design Festival Scotland as part of their independent project. Each agency in our year group gets assigned a mentor who is like, say, an already established agency to help guide us. This gives us a better handle on what it’s like to work in the real world and what working as a designer might actually be like. It's always nice to escape Edinburgh for the day and visit somewhere else. Beth and James (who run Warriors Studio) were super helpful and there are so many aspects of being a designer that we hadn't even taken into consideration #studentlife
Ok, I really need to work. I'm just sat here listening to Brand New and eating cereal.
Song of the day: Jesus Christ - Brand New
(Personal favourites: The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows, Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fans, The Boy who Blocked his Own Shot, Degausser, Seventy Times 7, Limousine, Mix Tape, Failure by Design etc)
Ok so, i’ve made a short vlog. I know it is in fact very short, there is no background music and it’s a bit shaky, but I wanted to give it a go! Plus it’s a lasting memory from the weekend that makes me smile. I’ve just got back from a 2 hour gym session and I feel so weak. I went maybe a bit too hard. I haven’t been for a few days and felt I needed to compensate. Wrong move. I had a moment when I was lying on the mats thinking I was going to throw up…
I’m also currently making tweaks to my CV. I’m trying to put together a good covering letter to go along side it, but i’m finding it hard to write about myself. I always found that with my personal statement too. What do I say?
Just over a week till my final hand in of this semester! Then I can feel properly excited for Christmas. Still can’t believe how fast this term has gone!
Song of the day: Safe with You (Feat Malin) - Alex Metric & Jacques Lu Cont

I was going to break this into two posts but I mean, I didn't get the chance to blog whilst I was actually in London. I made a mini vlog (the ones I watch on Youtube are literally 10 minutes long) so by mini I mean 2 minutes in length. Anyway, I have had the BEST weekend. My savings account is looking a little sadder but I don't regret going down to London at all. The train I caught from Edinburgh on Thursday was delayed, so it took me longer to get into Euston than I expected…but that’s part and parcel of train travel. Emily lives in Kennington which is a super good location, so we didn’t have far to go to get back. I was so tired. Prepare yourself for a long description of my weekend as I try and cram in all the things I’ve done.
I started writing like, a day summary and literally had 263 words before I had even explained what I did. I’m going to try and break it down so it’s easier to read (and not boring). Emily had a class in the morning so I met my older brother in Barnes. He took me to Olympic Studios, which was this really nice cinema-meets-patisserie-cofffee-shop place. I had porridge with sultanas and raisins and he had an egg and bacon sandwich, yummy. He had a meeting so I left and went back into central London. Emily and I had agreed to meet at Dover Street Market, but her class was over running. I decided to get off the train at Vauxhall and walk to Piccadilly Circus. I got sidetracked along the way and went to the Tate Britain. I was a tourist for a bit around the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben too. Emily met me at the National Gallery and we went to DSM after that. WE DID SO MUCH OK. After that we had Sainsbury’s meal deal sandwiches in a park before going to the Gagosian. I’ve been harping on about going to the new Patta store, so we went there next. I’ve wanted to go there for ages as they only had a store in Amsterdam, and I’m obsessed with their tote bags. We then got the tube to visit Goodhood, a store we both have never been to but I think it’s changed our lives. It sells clothing, jewellery and like really cool stuff for your home? Shame all of it was £4,000,000 but still, the best aesthetic. We then walked to Modern Society and poked around a few more shops before calling it quits and heading home.
MORE. We decided to start at Borough market and walk down to the Tate Modern yesterday. It was absolutely freezing by the river, but we braved it anyway. London was sooo beautiful yesterday, you know, like the perfect blue sky winter’s day. Sunglasses weather. I haven’t been to the Tate Modern since they added the extension, but it’s such a great space now. I love polished concrete and high ceilings. I was a little bit afraid when we got to the viewing deck as I struggle with heights a bit (well a lot actually haha, poor me). However, the view was so worth it; on one side I could see Canary Wharf in the distance all hazy, and then the view of St Paul’s was of course, breath taking. Can’t believe we had the weather so good. After that we walked across Millennium Bridge and had lunch in that open courtyard bit by the restaurant they film First Dates at. We basically sat in the freezing cold to eat our Tesco meal deals, so we then decided we needed a gallery or a shopping centre for warmth. We ended up at Oxford Circus which was crazy busy. Never again. Completely forgot it was Saturday, so obviously it was going to be busy. We decided to head home as we wanted to go out for drinks later. We had dinner at Pizza Pilgrims in Covent Garden, which I swear by. The best pizza ever. Then we went for drinks at the Hubbard and Bell in Holborn. By drinks I mean we split a bottle of wine and ended up walking a bit haphazardly to the underground as we were intoxicated.
Okay that’s it, i’m finished.
Quote of the day: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford” - Samuel Johnson
Weekend Soundtrack:
Northern Line - Jamie T
All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem
Quick Musical Doodles - Two Feet
Trust - Flume, Isabella Manfredi
Vindicated - Dashboard Confessional
and this Hazard Mix from Fabric
Listening to Christmas music right now to make myself feel better. I swear as stress increases so does the amount of time I spend at the gym. I trained today and yesterday and honestly I feel so much better for it. I never usually train back to back but I intend to go tomorrow too. I’ve been going in the evenings so I allow myself the day to work. It tends to be quieter which I prefer so i’m less likely to make a fool of myself. I’m also eating Rice Krispies right now, which probably has more to do with my unusually good mood. I have however just poured myself another bowl, but the ratio of cereal to milk is really bad.. cry.
I’m currently feeling the stress as I try and cram in as much work as I can before my deadline in 2 weeks. Fun. I tend to panic myself and think i’m not on top of my work, when I am, because I’d panic too much if I wasn’t. I’m so unbelievably excited to go to London. I am just desperately in need of a change of scenery. I’m not intending to do any shopping, because 1) funds and 2) Emily has no funds. We want to do the gallery stuff, go to Dover Street Market, Palace, Patta, Goodhood, etc and probably take lots of photos, so make sure you follow me on Instagram for all that fun. If anyone knows any cool and unusual places in London, or things we could do for free please let me know in the comments <3
I’m wearing thermals on thermals and working from bed to retain warmth. London is supposed to be around 9 degrees so it’s going to be like a summer vacation for me.
Quote of the day: “I don't want just words. If that’s all your have for me, you’d better go” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Song of the day: Last Christmas - Wham! (honestly the best)
So, if like me, you dress in black, grey or white and rarely entertain the idea of wearing any colours, then like me you’ll be shocked about the revelation that is forest green. It’s got a slightly bluer undertone, than say, olive green. I wanted to jump on the camouflage trend when that was floating around a bit, but I just couldn’t because it was too green (pathetic from me). Forest green is slightly…ashy? Do you know what I mean. In my eyes it’s a blue green. You know when you're at a make up counter, and they say to you “this lipstick has a blue undertone” and you’re stood there nodding but thinking, ummm I don’t really know what that means? Well, ok finally I know what that means. It’s a nice, dark, very wintery colour that goes well with black. In my opinion, it also looks super different in person than in photographs.
Now, i’m one of those people that sticks to their guns when it comes to what they wear. I could see the most beautiful salmon pink crew neck by a brand I love, buy it and then leave it hanging in my wardrobe to never be worn. It’s habitual, I simply cannot wear colour anymore. So it's ideal to have a shade like this that can be easily worked into what I wear.
I’m hungover (still at nearly midnight lol) and I’ve been listening to that Romantic Ballads playlist on Spotify. I feel like I’ve been staring at this screen all day and i’ve earned myself a super hot shower and a bowl of cereal. I’m also rewatching Vampire Diaries from the beginning; it’s taking so long for Damon and Elena to get together i’m losing hope allover again.
Quote of the day: "Love fiercely, because this all ends" - unknown
Song of the day: Somewhere only we know - Lily Allen
It's nearly Christmas!!!
MIA for the past week as i’ve been trying to get my head around our latest publication brief and crack on with my dissertation. It has been a long week that’s for sure, it’s so cold I’m currently sat at my desk and my nose is running! The joys of being a student in Edinburgh. Last night I went to see Arrival at the cinema. Honestly one of the best films I’ve seen in a long time, I could watch it again right now. Very moving and beautifully shot, it had me crying as well as on the end of my seat. The music, the colours, the suspense, everything. It’s a must see. I don't want to spoil it by trying to explain what it’s about but Amy Adams is sublime in it. It was almost even better because I hadn't seen any trailers or had any clue what it was about. I couldn't recommend this film enough.
Other than that, I'm going down to London on Thursday to stay with my good friend, Emily, who is studying at LCC. I'm so so SO excited to get out of Edinburgh but feel slightly bad that i'm not going all the way home. I live less than an hour outside of London so it'll be a shame to not pop home for a bit. However, I only have about a month left of term so i'll be home for Christmas soon enough. I finish on the 21st (cry cry cry) but to make up for missing decorating the tree, which is my favourite thing, i'll just go to the Christmas market whenever I can here in Edinburgh!
Ok I need a hot water bottle before my fingers fall off...
Late night post, I apologise. I’m just researching ideas / trying to find inspiration for a publication brief I have on at the moment and i've decided to go totally offline. I’ve checked three books out the library and it’s so exciting to conduct my research from something physical, honestly the change is super refreshing. I live on Pinterest - I love it, but I find I’ve been a bit bombarded with finished articles you know? Completed projects and ideas that mean I can’t produce anything organic myself. I’m looking at stuff that’s already been done thinking ‘why the hell didn’t I come up with that?’ - so goodbye online, hello books. It’s working a treat. It has been a slow start to the week yet I can't believe it's Wednesday tomorrow, this semester has flown by.
Time to hit the books.
Quote of the day - 'do things for yourself, in thirty years nobody is going to remember your choices except you' - unknown
probably one of the most important things i've ever posted, remember this. Today is one of those days when you have to remember what it was like to be 17, with the drive to fight against everything everyone told you, you couldn't do.
Song of the day - Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional
For some deep, unknown reason, trying to find what this jacket was called took me the best part of lat night. Teddy shearling jacket, textured jacket, and now ASOS are saying textured borg jacket so we’ll roll with that. I’m so glad to see the back of this week, honestly. I feel like i’ve lived a thousand lives in the past 7 days. Its just been one of those weeks when you look at your life and wonder “what the hell am I doing?” That happens to me most weeks, i know. Anyway, project from hell has ended, I’ve cleaned my room (hoovered too, Mum), had Wagamamas for dinner last night as a little treat and now I get to spend the day in bed (kidding i’ll be at the library later).
American Apparel // Bodysuit // £30
American Apparel // Leggings // £22
ASOS // Bomber Jacket // £65
Nike // Air Force 1 // £70
Goodhood // Tote Bag // £15
Quote of the day: "The same boiling water that softens the potato, hardens the egg. It's about what you're made of, not the circumstances" - unknown
Song of the day: Come First - Terror Jr
ALSO On Hold - The xx (new) (so good)

Today we actually intended to go to the beach for one of our agency Wednesday trips. However, Edinburgh had other plans and it solidly rained all morning, so we decided to dodge the weather and went to the Royal Scottish Academy just off Princes Street. I find there’s something about art galleries that is refreshing and in my opinion, crucial for creativity. Currently on at the RSA is the 119th annual open exhibition of the Society of Scottish Artists which we went to see. It’s such a nice space and the work is all beautifully displayed. As the weather closes in, it’s definitely worth a visit as a nice day out in a warm gallery!
I'm still listening to Waves by Miguel featuring Travis Scott. I was actually dancing around my room earlier playing it loudly as I am that obsessed with it. So catchy.
I feel like i’ve over bent my laptop screen and it won’t go any further or something. Anyway, ok so, things now are super hectic. I feel like this has been the most draining / intense period of university like, ever. I prefer to work out the studio, hence the unnecessarily full desk featuring dissertation books, a lot of cereal, grapes and my gross cutting board. The current project I have has forced me into uni to work, so all that appears on my desk I take with me. To add to my many burdens, trying to balance that student drinking habit with all this work has taken its toll. My flatmates have gone to a flat party tonight and I stayed home to have a really long shower and contemplate life (am I 30 already).
I’m going to the beach tomorrow with people from my design agency which is going to be such a welcomed break from Edinburgh. I walk the same way everyday, and sort of almost in a figure of eight as well which is getting a little sad. I need to go down to London to visit Emily really so I should get that in the works. I think it’s crucial, as a creative, to have a change of scenery. I’m tempted to go to the Botanical Gardens in Glasgow because it’ll be something nice to do.
Other than that, i’ve written 100 words of my dissertation, pulled a muscle in my leg from the gym, decided I don't like chocolate ice cream and ordered some cool magazines. THAT IS WHAT I FORGOT TO SAY, I ordered some magazines. Like, fashion-y, edgy? kinda magazines I found, so i’ll post them if they ever come in the post.
I’m always the flatmate that doesn't get post??????
Quote of the day: “Time flies when you don’t know what you’re doing” - Unknown
Song of the day: Waves (Remix) - Miguel, Travis Scott
(honestly listened to this at the gym for like, my entire session)
Just realised this post is actually semi misleading, i’m talking about a small bag for a night out. I know i’m not about to jump up and go buy a bag from Celine or Chanel to wear to my local garage night, but a girl can dream.
This has actually become a huge issue for me. So the deal is: I take one of those card holders with my cards in (lol, obviously), no change, my keys and my phone with me. Sometimes headphones, sometimes lipstick, sometimes a tampon, sometimes make up wipes, sometimes a mini deodorant you just never know. Now, here’s where it gets tricky. Me being me, I never queue for the cloakroom, honestly I just wanna dance and I will sacrifice being cold en route to the club if it means no queuing and paying to put my jacket away. As my going out wardrobe consists of skin tight basically everything, i’ve sacrificed pockets, no coat pockets, no trousers pockets. This means all the junk I take with me on a night out is passed to whoever i’m with. What if I want to touch my lipstick up? What if I want to buy another drink? (lol)
I need a mini bag!
I’ve rounded up some cool ones I found and also the classic bags you see on nights out. I think a backpack is definitely a winner for me.
Grafea Fluffy Mini Backpack // £113
UO Black Velvet Bum Bag // £20
Fjallraven Kanken Mini // £55
Stradivarius Mini Backpack // £15
ASOS Mesh Bum Bag // £12
The best thing about small bags is you can add pins, clip pom poms on and really accessorise them to make them your own. Basically I just need to get one. I'm not sure how i've managed this long without one tbf.
Song of the week: I actually finally signed up to Soundcloud, so here's my link for that
Also obsessing over Burberry's recent mini film?? Incredible.
Ok i'm done rambling
photo 1 I couldn't find
photo 2 credit
photo 3 credit
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