So, my family flew up to Edinburgh to stay with me for a couple of days, minus one brother. I tried to take pictures whilst we were all together, but i’m realising now I just have tonnes of photos of food…typical. I have been truly spoilt and I feel like I am going to explode. My mum definitely thought I was some kind of starved student, surviving on beans, eggs and like, potato mainly and porridge, oh and cereal!
We went for dinner at Byron on Monday night, I always find it to be so hit and miss, but it was super yummy. I had a chicken burger and a salted caramel shake afterwards. My younger brother and I had to go outside because we were nearly sick. Tuesday I wasn’t in university, and miraculously the weather was incredibly nice, so we went for a walk and then went up Calton Hill for dem views of Edinburgh. I’ve also realised that my knowledge of things and places is literally horrendous, so it’s been an educational couple of days for us all. Never hire me as a tour guide. We had a coffee at the Fruitmarket Gallery which is one of my favourite spots in Edinburgh. I had a slice of cake too and opted for the salted caramel, mocha and olive cake which was unbelievable. Then we went out for dinner at Civerinos, which is just off the Royal Mile near where my parents were staying. The food was actually amazing, I had this porcini linguine thing and my brother had pizza with meatballs on and my parents shared a four cheese pizza. For dessert we had these mini doughnuts with mascarpone and nutella dip. Help.
I had university today so my parents just did their own thing and my brother stayed in bed. We met up for lunch before they left. I’ve written about Project Coffee in Bruntsfield before but honestly their fry ups are award winning, in my book at least. I haven’t eaten any dinner because I am literally so full.
My family have left now which is sad. It was really nice to have them here and be reassured about everything i’m doing. Sometimes the regularity and monotony of university can make you forget about what it feels like to be a part of a family, but it’s always nice to reconnect and be with everyone again. I also need to see my older brother in London at some point.
I managed to squeeze in a gym session this evening which was much needed after all this food.
Song of the day: Alchemy - TALA

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