I be up in the gym just working on my fitness

Friday, 17 June 2016

So, I am a self confessed gym novice. I did try and go when I was back at university in my first year, and by this I mean around 5 or 6 times. I’m one of those people that buys all the activewear, walks into the gym super confident, only to then discover it’s like a foreign planet, gets scared and never returns. My family are heavy gym users, whereas I am just a complete potato, eating cereal and watching a lot of boxsets. However, HOWEVER, this summer with all the hours i’m working i’m finding it hard to have a day when I actually stay in and do nothing, hence why I am now joining the gym. I’ve only been a couple of times so I can’t say much but I am finding it quite hard again. I’m embarrassed by the small weights I can lift and how weak I feel. I don't want to give up though and I know this is all a sign that I have a lot left to work on, plus i’m really excited to see the results!

A lot of places offer student discounts (like mine) so this is obviously a more appealing reason to join. I get access to the pool too, so if i get scared away by the free weights i’ll just go swim instead ahah! I'm finding the Workout Routines on Spotebi really good as a sort of starting point. I do about 20 minutes cardio, just cross trainer stuff and then a 30 minute gym workout followed by a 10 minute cool down.

Song of the day: My House - Flo Rida
(this is just stuck in my head)


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